Indian names with meaning and origin

But also in the ancient Indian Sanskrit many names

In the following, alphabetical list, you will find many popular Indian boy names and girl names

Because in India religious, historical and familial Traditions play a big role, many names in Hinduism, but also Buddhism, or Islam.

So, for example, Indra, the Name of one of the most important goddesses in Hinduism, whose Name comes from the Sanskrit and"the means the has the rain drops". Surprisingly, some Indian first names their origins in the music or in the Indian landscape.

So Antara is an example of a certain Verse in the Indian music, Yamina was the Name of a river.

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In India, it is not rare that the first names are not gender-neutral, you know immediately when you Hear the Name, whether it is a boy or a girl. Also the sound is often not recognizable, if there is a girl's name or boy's name: Santina, for example, sounds quite feminine, is an Indian boy's name. Nila, however, is a girl's name, sounds but not necessarily so. Do You have any suggestions, criticism or other comments.

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